Birth is an extraordinary journey and no two stories are ever the same. In this series, we're delving into the personal experiences of mothers as they share the highs, the challenges, and the unexpected turns along the way. Each story offers a glimpse into the...
Birth Stories
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“That’s Her Bum!”: Facing the Unexpected in Labour
Every birth story is as unique as the baby it brings into the world and this series of blog posts is all about celebrating that - as well as the amazing mums who've kindly offered to share their personal experiences. From the anticipation of labour to the first cry of...
Your journey to motherhood: Real birth stories from my amazing clients
Welcome to the first of a series of blog posts all about you and your birth stories! I’ve been trying to think of useful and interesting content that I can create for all the lovely expectant mums in my audience and I thought who better to help me do that, than my...
Katie is a lovely person and made me feel totally at ease during my maternity photoshoot, which I was a little apprehensive about! The pictures are gorgeous and something to treasure forever.