This is me!

Hello everyone… so this post is all about me! No I’m not a raving egomaniac, I just thought some of you might like to know a bit more about the photographer behind the gorgeous newborns, adorable toddlers and luscious mamas you’ve seen on here and Moments by Katie Mitchell’s social media streams…

Me and my boy at one of our regular mums meet-ups
Me and my boy at one of our regular mums meet-ups (we don’t always have prosecco!)

My name is Katie and I am wife to my hubby, who is known to pretty much everyone as Mitch, and mum to my amazing little boy Oliver, who is nearly a year old – they ain’t lying when they say time flies after having a baby. He is my favourite little human in the world and my heart melts every time he does something cute.. which is a lot of the time. My brain also melts a little each day as I become progressively more and more sleep-deprived. Yes, whoever coined the phrase ‘sleep like a baby’ was clearly some kind of comedian! The above picture is of me and my little one, celebrating a year since starting the antenatal class where I met an amazing group of new mum friends (note: no outfit complete without a nasty nursing bra). I didn’t expect to still be breastfeeding at this stage but my boy decided he wouldn’t take a bottle as he loves the boob too much.. he’s starting as he means to go on I guess!

I’ve been a photographer for around five years now and have recently specialised in the world of newborn photography. It was something that I’ve wanted to do for years and I’m so glad that I’ve finally taken that step towards achieving my dream. I feel honoured that people trust me with their beautiful, tiny new babies so that I can help them cherish the memories of that short-lived newborn phase. Because it really, really is such a precious time which should be treasured. Blink and you’ll … have an 11 month old and be going back to work…!

Yes… I do have a day job that isn’t photography. I’m a soldier in the Army! I bet you weren’t expecting that! Thankfully my current position has allowed me to return to work (boo!) part time so I am not picking him up from nursery five days a week only to start bedtime routine as soon as we get home.. because this makes me sad. 🙁 This way I get to continue my military career for the time being and earn a living doing what I love outside of the Army, whilst being a single mum during the week (oops, did I forget to mention my husband is military too and is only home at weekends?!)… I think I’ve earned a gold star for multitasking!

A self portrait of Katie Mitchell showing army and feminine side
A self portrait I did years ago. It’s a bit of a lie.. I never look as glam as I do on the left. I probably look closer to the ‘me’ on the right now I’ve got a baby who constantly covers me in food, dribble and snot!

So I hope that gives you a bit of an insight into my life. I might even treat you to a few of my highlights (and possibly lowlights) of motherhood in a future blog! If you have any questions, feel free to ask away!


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Fantastic experience! I took my family for a shoot with Katie & she was amazing from start to finish. My toddler was a terror and my daughter a diva but some how she worked her magic and we have beautiful digital photos, prints and a lovely big frame for the wall. We had a lovely viewing where we were able to select the photos we wanted, we couldn’t possibly chose from them so we bought them all! 🙂 She made us all feel very welcome and my children and even my husband enjoyed the experience. Highly recommend! I will be back for more photos as my family grow. Thank you Katie
